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Wofford Apps is the extremely tentative title of an idea I have to teach Wofford students and any else interested the basic computer science skills needed to make a simple mobile app. In today's increasingly technological world computer literacy is becoming more and more important. Plus everyone is already glued to their smartphones anyways so they might as well learn something with them. But they think that they are technologically proficient and know how it all works when really they are just good at pressing buttons. I aim to teach the necessary skills so that they can know how apps work and how to make their own for whatever purposes they want, whether it be for studying, for their business, orjust making a fun game to play on the toilet

The two main programs being used are MIT App Inventor and AppArchitect


MIT App Inventor is useful for showing basics programming principles since the drag and drop block system is kind of like writing the code for an app, except the code has been broken up into fragments that you piece together to do what you want.


AppArchitect will be used to teach app design principles. It isn't as robust as App Inventor, but it allows apps to be created and prototyped faster and includes many normal app features like rss, buttons, screens, and html. It is also compatible with iOS and will soon be compatible with Android phones

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